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  •  crystaltaxtung@yahoo.com

New Companies Registration

New Companies Registration

1. Incorporation and registration of Hong Kong and overseas companies:
- Incorporation of a Hong Kong limited company
- Incorporation of Hong Kong unlimited company
- Formation of a British Virgin Islands company
- Formation of a Cayman Islands company
- Establishment of a Chinese company 

Packaged files:

Large green box contains 10 articles of association, 1 meeting minutes book (green hard cover), 1 stock book (20 pages), 1 round seal + signature seal + steel seal each, and a large green box with gold colour of Company name.


2. Thin green box, including 6 articles of association, 1 meeting minutes book (made of A4 paper), 1 stock book (10 pages), 1 round seal + signature seal + steel seal, and a thin green box with gold colour of company name.

*The quotation is evaluated based on the individual situation of the customer. The quotation must be approved by the customer before the service can be provided, and is ultimately adjusted based on the actual company situation.