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  •  crystaltaxtung@yahoo.com

Audit and taxation

Audit and taxation

According to the Hong Kong Company Law, a Hong Kong company is required to appoint a certified public accountant (practising) to conduct an annual audit and submit an audit report signed by a certified public accountant (practising).
The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) will issue a tax return to taxpayers every year and require them to complete and return the required documents to the IRD within a specified time.
We have extensive experience in tax matters, and our tax services help clients resolve tax issues, including: Acting as the client's tax representative to answer questions raised by the Inland Revenue Department and handle matters relating to tax opposition applications and appeals.
We are committed to providing comprehensive and high quality audit and tax filing services, our team has extensive experience in auditing and handling tax matters, and our audit emphasizes quality, independence, transparency and the application of audit methods to ensure compliance with professional standards. We will make recommendations to assist our clients in resolving issues identified during the audit process and enhance the confidence of the public and investors.


Scope of Services & Documentation :
1. Annual financial report
2. Profits Tax Computation
3. Cover documents of Profits Tax Return
4. Copies of other relevant documents
A free quote is available, please contact us directly.
Information required for accounting and auditing:
- Company registration documents
- Business Registration Certificate
- Annual report of the company
- Previous year's audit report (exempted if new)
- Bank statement
- Sales Invoices/Listings
- Cost invoices/lists
- Expenditure and income documents
- All contracts
- All borrowing and borrowing data (if any)

*The quotation is evaluated according to the customer's individual situation, and the quotation needs to be agreed by the customer before the service can be carried out, and finally adjusted according to the actual company situation.